• Nodal development, conservation between nodes
    COP Urban Design Framework
  • Sustainable urban planning
    Albany Waterfront Master Plan.
  • Environmental planning for sustainable development
    Esperance Waterfront Master Plan
  • Nodal development -conservation between nodes, garden city, transport oriented development (TOD)
    Plain Street Node
  • Pocket park, Green City, Urban forrest
    Central Park, Perth
  • Re-establish Forrest place, premier civic space, supporting urban spaces of Wellington Street, Perth Station Forecourt
    Forrest Place Master Plan
Virtual 3D lanscape, Garden City, Nodal Development.

A Vision for Perth 2029 Urban Design Framework

The document was adopted by Council in 2012.

An Urban Design Framework – a Vision for Perth 2029, is a design tool produced by the City of Perth Urban Design Unit under the leadership of the city’s Principal Urban Designer, Michael Murphy. The framework provides a spatial and physical interpretation of the City of Perth’s vision and strategies for the future. It aims to ensure that the built environment we create reflects the community’s aspirations and underpins an integrated approach to better physical environments.

From the people who have inspired us

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    "First we shape our cities, then they shape us"

    Jan Gehl (from the Nomad Magazine)
  • That’s been one of my mantras — focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.

    Steve Jobs (from the New York Times)
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    Buildings, towns and cities are the most powerful and moving elements of our existence, as powerful as religion, music, art or politics. Yet cities are, and always have been, more than these: they are permanent, public and shared in both expression and achievement. Architecture and urbanism, I have no doubt, are our greatest achievements.

    Sir Terry Farrell (from 10 Years: 10 Cities)
About Studio Eco

Studio Eco is a multi-disciplinary company specialising in all facets of Urban Design and Architecture - Master Plans and Frameworks, Strategies and Design Guidelines as well as 3D Visualisation and Passive Solar Design.

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